Colaboratori externi:

asist.drd.arh. Dan Idiceanu, ing. Cornel farcas, fiziokinetoterapeut Erika Wisz



Text de prezentare a lucrării:

Starting from the need to eliminate stigma, providing a favorable treatment and revitalization of a problematic site, the licence project has proposed a theoretical and conceptual shaping of an architectural proposal for the creation of a mechanism to meet the needs of both disabled people and the local community. The scenario around which was developed the project, is the need to restructure the hippotherapy center, "HorsEmotion" Ianova to achieve more extensive treatments, while meeting the converging needs of the community site and proximity. The existing buildings on the site no longer meets the treatement needs of children, thus requiring a restructuring. The protagonists of the center are the children, so the project wants to create a low scale and an easily recognizable image for them. The center becomes a ludic space, perceived as a playground not as a treatment facility. One of the most important intensions of the project was the flexibility and openness to nature . So, the project is designed as a mechanism that changes from public areas, semi-private and private areas, each sequence having a physical or visual connection the natural surroundings. The heart of the project is the central courtyard to which are opened the interior spaces. The transition from inside to outside is made through intimate outdoor space, for a gradual shift , and to create protected areas to enable children with social problems, a relationship with the outside, possibility of communication without pushing their limits of comfort . Adiacent to the children needs of treatment, have emerged needs of shelter, training and relationship between animal and humans for the horses used for therapy. The maneje area becomes a volumetric dominant. On a functional level and relationship with nature maintains the same principles on which is based the whole center. The proposed solution wants to use environmentally friendly materials for natural environmental considerations and the need of the children to be close to natural textures . Thus the proposed structure is made of straw bale walls with wooden structure, the roof is accomplished using a spatial structure with straw insulation and coating wooden shingles. This structural approach has resulted from the need to create modules for a possible phased development .